Well....they said coffee will 'energized' you, is it true? Cos for me, it make me High...or sleepy and thats why i called it Toffee! After i finish my 'ice blended Toffee bean'...i fall asleep. Can you believe that? Or may be im just tired from walking cos i have to walk may be a mile or two to get my Toffee Bean. But still......im still sleepy, or may be because im a 'sleepy head'.. Im sleepy all the time~Whats wrong with me?! Hmm...Thinking....
Btw, my journey to get my Toffee ~ Cars, lots of cars....rain, puddle of water...smelly bustop and car, cars again...but im so satisfied with my Toffee!
Sweet dream tonight, baby! Me got my Toffee! And Thank you, Jesus...for my Toffee!!! Psst psst... me want more!!!
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